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Why you should sell your own home before looking


 Selling a home and purchasing a new one can be a complex process, often requiring careful planning and consideration, and the question that often comes up is "Should we look first, or sell first?" and although we do understand some of the arguments or finding first, the advantages of selling first will massively outweigh any arguments on the other side.


Here are our top reasons for selling first:


Financial Flexibility: 

By selling your current home before looking for a new one, you gain financial flexibility. Selling first allows you to have a clear idea of the amount you can invest in your new property. With the proceeds from the sale, you can determine your budget, negotiate better terms, and potentially secure more favourable mortgage rates. This financial advantage empowers you to make well-informed decisions when searching for your next home.


Reduced Time Pressure:

Selling a property can sometimes take longer than anticipated. By selling your current home before searching for a new one, you eliminate the pressure to rush the selling process. This approach allows you to focus on achieving the best possible price for your property, without worrying about time constraints. Moreover, when you have already sold your home, you can negotiate with sellers more effectively, as you won't be under pressure to complete the purchase quickly.


Increased Negotiating Power:

When you sell your home before looking for a new one, you gain an advantage in negotiations. As a chain-free buyer, you are seen as a more attractive prospect by sellers, who are often looking for a smooth and hassle-free transaction. This can put you in a stronger position to negotiate a better price or favourable terms for your new property. Additionally, having already sold your home, you are in a better position to make offers quickly and proceed with the purchase process smoothly.


Reduced Stress:

Selling a home and buying a new one simultaneously can be incredibly stressful. By selling your current home first, you can avoid the pressure and anxiety that comes with being in a property chain. By having a clear timeline and not relying on others to complete their transactions, you can reduce stress levels and enjoy a smoother home-selling and home-buying experience.



We hear many reasons for finding first, but none of them outweigh you being in a better position, being better informed of your finances and being under less  pressure. 

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