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Video is the new floorplan


We often hear agents singing from the rooftops about floorplans, discussing how the more info people have, the more likely they are to buy, and then when you check the listing, there is no video, just an uninspiring montage of 2d photos, a floorplan and a written description that will send you to sleep quicker than a dose of sleeping pills! This really goes against the own argument and lets the client down. 


Video has become an increasingly popular tool for selling homes, and for good reason.


In today's digital age, social media is devoured by potential buyers, and they  are looking for more than just static images and boring text that tries to get you excited about power points and coving!. They want an immersive experience that allows them to truly visualize themselves in the space. That's where video comes in.


I have to be honest, we were a little behind in seeing the full benefits of this medium, and it was only being forced to do so, by the Government during Covid lockdowns, that made us open our eyes to the full potential. 


One of the main advantages of using video when selling your home is that it provides a more comprehensive view of the property. With video, you can showcase not only the interior and exterior of the home, but also the surrounding neighbourhood and amenities. This allows potential buyers to get a better sense of the overall lifestyle that the property offers.


Video also allows you to highlight the unique features and selling points of your home in a way that static images simply can't. Whether it's a stunning backyard oasis, a gourmet kitchen, or a spacious master suite, video allows you to capture these features in a way that truly showcases their beauty and functionality.


One of the other by-products that we found, which took us aback until we really studied it, was that the chance of a physical viewing producing an offer increased. 


Furthermore, video provides a more engaging and memorable experience for potential buyers. It allows them to see the flow of the home, the natural light, and the overall layout in a way that static images, or the floorplan, can't fully convey. This can help create an emotional connection with the property, making it more likely that buyers will remember your home and consider it as a serious contender. After all, they had effectively already seen the home, so the physical viewing was just to confirm what they had already seen


In addition to these benefits, video also offers the convenience of virtual tours. Potential buyers can view the property from the comfort of their own homes, saving time and eliminating the need for multiple in-person visits. This is particularly beneficial for out-of-town buyers or those with busy schedules.


And we don't intend to stop here. Now that the advantages are clear to us, and our clients, we will be investing more time and money getting our video content spot on, and we plan to ask more of our clients to feature in them, discussing their homes that they know so well. 


Overall, video is the way forward when selling your home. It provides a more comprehensive view of the property, highlights its unique features, creates an engaging experience for potential buyers, and offers the convenience of virtual tours. So if you're looking to sell your home quickly and effectively, consider incorporating video into your marketing strategy.


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